NUFORC UFO Sighting 57838
Occurred: 2007-07-25 23:42 LocalReported: 2007-07-26 09:09 Pacific
Duration: 10 secs (aprox)
No of observers: 2
Location: Guetersloh (Germany), , Germany
Shape: Sphere
sherical object circling a star 3 times, then coming out of "orbit" from the star, slowing, and shooting off at a great speed.
me and my girlfriend were walking to her house, as we aproached the drive, she looked up and said what is that?" i looked up, and a silver/white (star colour) sphere circled round a star 3 times, then came of from an "orbit", slowed down, then shot away, at a speed we could not believe.
This is not the first of spherical objects that we have spotted here, the night before we witnessed a shere again, going across the sky at a cruising speed, it could not have been a plane or a helicoptor, as i would have heard it, and saw the flashing lights, and nore could it be a satalight, as it moved across the sky in a zig-zag parern, then went out of sight.
Posted 2007-08-07
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