NUFORC UFO Sighting 57624
Occurred: 1996-07-15 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2007-07-13 00:12 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Sawerville (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Small dim light in Southern Quebec connects all the dots of Big Dipper after we spoke about Dipper
There were five of us sitting around a campfire under a dark clear sky in Quebec's "Eastern Townships". Being miles from any major town, like Sherbrooke, the night stars were very bright and numerous. None one was under the influence of any drugs, and a few people in the group had shared one or two bottles of wine after dinner. I personally had not had any wine.
All of a sudden a woman in our group exclaimed, "Look, there's a UFO !!!" Everyone could see a small distant round white light gliding across the arc of the night sky, no faster than a plane, but not as bright as plane lights. It eventually just gradually faded out till we couldn't see it anymore. I told the lady that I'd seen objects like that a lot and it was probably a satellite or a weather balloon. No one else commented.
Then we all began looking at the Big Dipper and talked about what it is called in other languages. In french it is "L'Ours" (sp?), the Bear, and someone said what the Dipper was called in Spanish. Then the same woman piped up, "Look there it is again, the UFO". I restrained my self from remarking it was just another satellite, but seconds later this small dim light had glided up into the "kite" area of the Dipper then up to the very top star and stopped on it. It then flew over to the next star, and so on until it had connected all the dots as if to show us it knew we had been talking about the Big Dipper. I don't really remember which stars it flew to and in which configuration but it touched every star on the kite part, then it exited the kite and zipped down the "tail" seemingly increasing velocity, then it faded out as it had done the first time. All five of us were in awe. But no one really spoke about it.
There was a guitar there and I began playing guitar and singing, so unfortunately I missed the fleeting reappearance of the object, to which everyone exclaimed "Wow!!!". No one told me what they saw and I never asked which is another strange thing about this experience. I think it might have been a magnificent flare up, I'm not sure but seemed this object made it's final exit with a major exclamation.
I moved away from Quebec to Maryland weeks after this sighting and have never seen or spoke to any of these people since, but I will go back and find the man I knew at the campfire, who will still be living in Sawyerville. He will definitely remember all this event. He has seen many UFO's out there since the late sixties, and I believe that because of the telepathic nature this object exhibited, that this man probably had some psychic or spiritual connection to these Beings or Intelligences
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2007-08-07
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