NUFORC UFO Sighting 5755

Occurred: 1999-02-26 00:15 Local
Reported: 1999-03-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1/4 second
No of observers: 1

Location: Gilroy (approximatly), CA, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Left a trail

While driving North on the 101 85 miles South of San Francisco, I saw a bright flash transverse the sky from zenith to almost the horizon from south to north.

I am a 26 year old software engineer from Seattle, Wa. I have been interested in UFOlogy for about two years now and attended an event in Seattle last August attended by Mr. Davenport and Dr. Greer. I am not 100% sure what I saw was of unexplicable orgin, it was however like nothing I have ever seen before. I was driving north on the 101 freeway, 85 miles south of San Francisco, in a very wilderness area. I was on top of a hill and had a clear view of the sky obstructed by very few trees. I was momentary startled as a bright flash of light streaked from the top of my wind shield towards the nothern horizon. It moved through the sky at incredible speed and flashed twice before disappearing beyond the horizon. The streak of light was whitish-yellow in appearance and had significant thickness giving the perspective of something that was realitivly close to the ground, three or four miles would be my unfounded impression. Also the light was very bright especially in the two instances when it flashed, the drama of the effect resembled a lightning flash close then resembled any meteor I've ever seen, with exception that the line traced in the sky was straight and there were no clouds in the sky. Also the object did not appear to burn our and fade away as meteors do, rather it just appeared to vanish at a point 20 degrees above the horizon, as if moving away from me a great speed. For some odd reason the second flash the object made, reminded me of the intro scenes to star trek the next generation where the enterprise makes a flash before going to warp. Nevertheless, in summary. The object had a large apparent size given the thickness of the trail. The object made two flashes as it streaked across the sky. The object traved from south to north. The object traversed at least 70 degrees of sky in 1/4th a second. The object was very bright, and had the effect of startling me.

Posted 1999-04-02

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