NUFORC UFO Sighting 57422

Occurred: 2007-07-03 02:30 Local
Reported: 2007-07-03 15:36 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Mainz (Germany), , Germany

Shape: Light

Red light/dot moving over Ursa Major, 7 seconds, far distance, big size on 03JL07, Mainz/Germany

SIGHTING ON 03 JULY 2007, between 2 and 3 am
Location: Mainz/Germany 49°57’44.42”N / 8°14’06.45”E viewed from a 6-storey building into the NORTHERN skies (NNW), head/shoulder section of URSA MAJOR (if I’m not mistaken) Intense DARK (pinkish) RED light/dot (for exact colour see the RED dot of “NORTH CELESTIAL POLE” on this map: ) with possibly a geometric figure (slight “shadow”) around it which I could not clearly discern due to some slightly foggy/transparent clouds interfering; the light passed in a direction from “9” to “2” (by the hour) on/before and over the “clockface” when using URSA MAJOR as clockface reference. Its path went from left to right across the URSA MAJOR head/shoulder area, slightly rising (“9” to “2” by the hour)toward the right.

Duration of clear observation approx. 7 seconds, then it disappeared behind much denser clouds.

Very large dimensions of the light and the assumed related “object” at very great distance(unable to qualify further).

Speed as observed: Clearly faster than typical for a commercial airliner seen “from closer”, i.e., at approx. 8 km distance and approx. 1.5 km (5,000 ft) above ground level (near Frankfurt airport).

No blinking, no other lights, no aircraft around.

Seen with regular binoculars 7 x 40 B.

Posted 2007-08-07

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