NUFORC UFO Sighting 56770
Occurred: 1976-06-01 00:00 LocalReported: 2007-05-22 07:15 Pacific
Location: Iran, , Iran
Possible follow up on the Iranian AF/F-4 encounters in 1976?
Just wondering if you were aware that the two F-4 Phantoms involved in this high profile incident were disassmbled and back in the US within 24 hours for analysis by McDonnell-Douglas.
here were understandable concerns regarding the effects on the aircrafts weapons panels considering that they were second-tie, state-of-the-art systems (second only to what our own forces had deployed at that time). Bear in mind that the weapons panel was "selectively" knocked out only after the pilot acquired a solid lock on the target.
MD has never been willing to discuss or even acknowledge their role in this, let alone their findings. However, after all this time, there may now be some retired employees willing to disclose the event. Just a thought.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. We would very much like to speak or correspond with the source of this report. PD
Posted 2007-06-12
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