NUFORC UFO Sighting 56412

Occurred: 2005-06-15 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2007-04-25 19:29 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Liberty, MO, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Big Triangle 3 Lights Craft

My boyfriend, at the time, and I were laying in the hammock out in the country at my parent's house. A huge triangular shaped craft passed over us slowly. It was pretty low and blocked out all the stars. There were lights in the 3 corners, but the rest was black. I don't recall it being very loud. I had a sense of peace and we just watched it, even tho we should have gone to get cameras. He was in shock, but I had sightings before, just not this close and unique. It was later that I learned others had seen the same triangle. I am still reading about these sightings even now in 07 and thought I should post mine.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2007-04-27

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