NUFORC UFO Sighting 5618
Occurred: 1999-02-20 23:40 LocalReported: 1999-02-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Hope Valley, RI, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Another sighting of the triangular craft with logo.
Hello again: I would like to report yet another sighting of the black triangular craft of Feb. 15, 1999, that I reported a few days ago.
Last night, Feb. 20, 1999, my wife and I were sitting in our sunroom at 11:40 PM. We sit out there quite often to watch the animals in our yard, three and a half acres in rural Rhode Island. We were watching a fox feed on bread we had put out when the craft appeared heading in a southerly direction. We stepped out to the porch for a better look.
The craft passed over us silently, slowly, steadily. The underside of it was dimly lighted by a hazy white light, thus making it possible to see the logo. The logo was a triangle edged in yellow containing the Earth being struck by two red lightning bolts with a number "1" in the right hand corner all on a black background. As it approached, a feeling of serenity and calm came over us making it a wonderful feeling to watch as it passed overhead. I estimate the speed of the craft at approximately five to ten miles per hour.
The size approximately forty feet in length and forty feet wide at the rear of the craft with the nose of the craft forming a point. The craft looked very similar to the Stealth fighter, however, it was much larger than the plane. The altitude of the craft was approximately one hundred feet. I repeat, there was not a sound from the craft and it did not even create a breeze.
I will email you a copy of the logo we made. I would appreciate any answers you might have as to what this craft is or who it belongs to.
Thank you.
Posted 1999-04-02
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