NUFORC UFO Sighting 5545

Occurred: 1999-01-14 19:00 Local
Reported: 1999-01-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2.5 hours
No of observers: 3

Location: Langley, WA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three bright, eliptical, white lights the size of a full moon, rotating in a circle then converging once every 20 seconds, 60 degrees above the horizon in the same location for over two hours.

Observed by a Langley police officer, a retired auditor, and a retired teacher. Clouds were thick and low. It was dark. First I noticed a bright light shining through a small break in the clouds just north of my home which overlooks the water. I assumed it was a plane and gave it no further thought. Then I saw a second light of equal size east of the first light and a third light just north and inbetween the other two. The space between the two nearer lights, when I held up my hand, was four fist-widths. Each light was about the size of a full moon but appeared eliptical in shape, always keeping the same horizonatal axis. This triangle of lights was about 60 degrees above the horizon. My next thought was that it could be helicopters launching a search for a missing boat on Possession Sound, however the lights did not descend over the water. The lights rotated clockwise about every 20 seconds and with each rotation, all lights appeared to converge with the northern-most light. It was like a laser show, except there were no visible light beams. The lights were only white, and the pattern of motion was unvaried. I tried to spot the source through my binoculars, but could not see through the clouds. There was no sound. I scanned Possession Sound for boats but could see none. I went outside and checked many times, but the lights and the activity remained the same until 9:30 PM (21:30). At that time, the lights were further north at aproximately 45 degrees above the horizon. They were dimmer and appeared more distant. At 10:00 (22:00) the lights had disappeared. (Details of inquiry to follow by US Mail.)

Posted 1999-02-16

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