NUFORC UFO Sighting 54882

Occurred: 1993-10-27 21:38 Local
Reported: 2007-01-21 22:14 Pacific
Duration: 0:07
No of observers: 3

Location: Wanakah, NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

A Sighting that left us running

Sighting Report I wish to report an unusual sighting of an apparently singular vehicle that I observed along with my younger brother and neighborhood friend (3 observers total). The UFO in question appeared over the night sky just like any other aircraft we’d seen; Niagara Falls AFB was just up the road and we were used to unusually loud and streaking aircraft, we’d actually spent many a night interrupting our teenage nighttime endeavors to look up and identify a particular jet noise.

I grew up in a house that was situated last on the left, on a street that began at the Lakeshore, and wound up to the Conrail tracks. Subsequently, my parent’s backyard looked sprawling, but the backyard landscape was primarily the property of first, Niagara-Mohawk, and then obviously, Conrail. (The first three, the last track, I believe was the property of Norfolk &Western). We, as kids, quite often used the Electric Company’s dirt-utility path, which obviously followed the tracks, as a sort of rendezvous point. We basically spent more time on that path, than on our own street. We’d generally walk the path to the corresponding neighborhood, to meet with friends. The particular night that this sighting occurred was indifferent to any other given evening. The three of us walked to our point to meet with a few buddies.

We’d arrived at our usual location, which stopped just short of a viaduct bridge that over passed the next main road. We were there a total of 8-14 minutes when we heard the rumbling of an aerial vehicle. It initially sounded like a heavier aircraft, and I looked up to search for something like a 737 or a CRJ. Instead I witnessed what appeared to be, in my mind as a 15 year-old kid, a military craft of some sort.

It approached our vantage point from the southern-tier and appeared at first to be a typical vehicle. We only looked up because we were bored of waiting for our friends to arrive, and the noise was a bit unusual. The craft sailed along the sky just like any other large aircraft, but we watched it because we, at the time, had nothing better to do.

To elaborate in a manner as precise as possible, the vehicle appeared to follow a typical FAA-dictated glide path. We only became startled when the noise appeared to magnify about 2-3 times its initial offering. This acceleration was enough to make us suspect that something was wrong with the aircraft, so we continued to watch, and I guess, kind of searched for cover, just in case.

To our surprise, the craft rapidly accelerated across the horizon, and the associated noise dimmed significantly. Actually, the craft in question bolted across the horizon, and we ran away from the scene with all the leg we had. This sounds a bit pathetic, but we actually hid in my buddy’s garage for a few hours.

To describe the particular craft as accurately as possible, it appeared to be triangular, at least in light-scheme. The vehicle possessed no observable wings or tail. It approached our vantage point from an apparent SW vector and was around 15,000 ft. altitude. The noise that it produced and the associated light-burst sent us running away so that’s the best I can offer. The craft simply made a mockery of the sky, and the hideous sound it produced beforehand was enough to set off our fight or flight response.


Date of sighting may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD

Posted 2007-02-01

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