NUFORC UFO Sighting 54037
Occurred: 2006-12-16 07:03 LocalReported: 2006-12-17 05:53 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Beaver, PA, USA
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
very bright white ball in the eastern sky viewed while eastbound Pa turnpike at 7:03am December 16,2006.
My wife and I were driving east bound on the Pennsylvania turnpike. the sun was just coming up and the sky at the horizon level was a deep red. Further east ,where the contrails originated,were erratic as it moved west. at this point we noticed a very bright light,like a burning magnesium ball, moving west and the up and then as if it burned itself out but only to reappear again as a white ball and then again burn itself out. The contrails were white against a red background and were there for quite a while. We were driving from Cleveland,Oh to Johnstown Pa when this happened.
Missile launch from Wallops Island, VA. PD
Posted 2007-02-01
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