NUFORC UFO Sighting 5399

Occurred: 1981-05-01 18:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-01-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Boulder, CO, USA

Shape: Fireball

While walking south a large comet like object swept out of the sky and turned horizonel at about a thousand feet from the ground and headed west disappearing at the point it would have hit the mountain.

While walking south a large comet like object swept out of the sky and turned horizonel at about a thousand feet from the ground and headed west disappearing at the point it would have hit the mountain. The object looked like what I thought for many years was a metiorite. It had a hot molten look to it with a firey like tail. I was amazed when it didn't hit the mountain. It flew the length of the Boulder Mall, a very busy place and there was never any mention of it so I just kept quiet. Until I learned that these fire balls have been reported as possiblely vehicles. The point at which it disappeared would be Pearl St. at the base of boulder canyon. The Ball seemed to have a crator like surface.

Posted 1999-02-16

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