NUFORC UFO Sighting 53273

Occurred: 2006-11-06 16:00 Local
Reported: 2006-11-05 16:29 Pacific
Duration: few hours
No of observers: 4

Location: Birmingham, AL, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Hanging object in Southeastern sky US 11-06-06

While driving back from a trip to Memphis Tenn. My husband and I was in the car driving on 78E and in the sky there was a light hanging in the sky I told my husband What kind of plane just lingers in the sky like that.

I took a picture with my disposable camera and have to get it developed. There were jet flying back and forth like they were checking it out. It did not seem the norm, something strange was and is going on. Then when we got to South Carolina, Home we saw it again. Just hanging there. I got my to daughters to come back out to the car and we drove around so I could show them. It was there and the jets were flying in the skys as well. I do not know what is going on but I do know it was not a plane.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2006-12-07

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