NUFORC UFO Sighting 51632

Occurred: 2006-08-10 21:25 Local
Reported: 2006-08-11 13:19 Pacific
Duration: 10 Minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Indiana, PA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Tringular object with three lights seen passing from east to west over Indiana, PA at 9:30 PM EST

I was going to leave my house on Ringneck Ave. in Indiana, PA at around 9:30 as I walked outside a bright orange light was glowing over the trees at a distance of about 5 miles from me in the sky. I thought at first it was a planet in the sky so I stared at it to figure out which one, but I noticed a slight wobble to it. It appeared to be moving slowly towards me. It was in the eastern sky at the time I first noticed it. As I watched I tried to squint to make out anything thinking it was maybe a helicopter, but when I squinted it seemed to have an odd shape to it, and it was not blinking like a normal helicopter was. About 2 minutes later my mother came out and asked what I was looking at, I pointed the object out and said it seemd odd. At this time it was getting closer. At about 9:30 PM at this point the object was getting closer and you could see visible horizontal movement as the object got closer to us. It took about 2 minutes from that point to reach a point where we could see it visible moving at a fast pace. It was completely silent, and almost looked like a cruise ship moving in the sky how it was floating by. As it got closer the front had a bright orange light on it, which is what I assume I could see from the distance originally. I coult also make out two lighter lights behing it tailing it. These lights formed a triangular shape. The shape was an elongated traingle the front was about 3 times the disance from the back two lights were apart. At this point the object passed directly over the house and you could visibly make out a very dark black shape of a trangle with two lights on the back, one on the front and what looked like smaller lights around the side of it as it passed. It continued to move to the west passing over the hill behind our house. It took about 1 minute to pass from where we could make it out to where it was no longer visible. There was no noise at all coming from the object.

Posted 2006-10-30

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