NUFORC UFO Sighting 49570
Occurred: 2006-03-11 22:00 LocalReported: 2006-03-12 14:01 Pacific
Duration: 30mins
No of observers: 20
Location: Matauri Bay (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Fireball
Nine Orange lights rising slowly
At a wedding party on the night of the 11th, at first noticed two very orange round shapes in the sky both moving slowly out to sea and upwards. It was very hard to make out how large they were and soon a group of people from the wedding had gathered and were debating as to whether they were helicopters etc. Soon another light appeared over the hill to the north of Matauri Bay and slowly rose in the same direction. by now the first two had risen and were slowly becoming fainter. There movements were somewhat irrational as was there speed seeming to move slowly and then very fast. This continued until we had counted nine in total, usually only three in the sky at any one time but all moving in a similar manner and in the same direction. Only logical explanation could possibly be that someone north of Maturi Bay is very good at making Hot air balloons and does so on a semi regular basis as there have been numorious sittings of a very similar describtion???????
Posted 2006-05-15
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