NUFORC UFO Sighting 4856

Occurred: 1998-11-14 19:00 Local
Reported: 1998-11-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Mesa, AZ, USA

Shape: Flash

Bright blue-white flash on or near the northern horizon. It flared up and then was gone.

We were travelling west on East Baseline Road near Lindsay Road in Mesa, Arizona Saturday evening November 14, 1998, at about 7:00 pm. Both my husband and I saw a bright blue-white flash that lit up the northern horizon to about 15% above the horizon. It flashed only momentarily and then was gone. We didn't think too much about it until last night (Sunday, November 15, 1998 approximately 8:30 pm), when I saw another white-blue flash to the north again. This time, I was standing in the kitchen and saw it out of the window. It was almost identical to the one the night before and appeared to be in about the same location. After hearing about the report from Mesa, Arizon tonight on Art Bell's show, my husband urged me to forward this report to you. Don't know if there's any connectivity, but thought it might be helpful to you.

Posted 1998-11-19

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