NUFORC UFO Sighting 47691
Occurred: 1950-04-15 08:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-14 12:22 Pacific
Duration: 1-3 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Arkansas (eastern; on US Hwy 70 abt 75 m w/o Memphis, TN), AR, USA
Shape: Disk
Disk shaped unmoving over highway for 1 - 3 minutes in eastern Arkansas, est. size about 200 feet.
I had purchased my first car and thus know the date of this event.
Was driving from Arkansas to Edgewood Arsenal, MD, where I worked.
I was following a car containing 2 people who were motioning toward an object hovering over the highway approximately 2 to 3 miles away.
They stopped on the shoulder and so did I. We watched the object remain motionless over the highway then go off away from us instantly.
I did not know the names or homes of the other two witnesses.
When I got to Maryland, the Sunday edition of a Baltimore Sun newspaper had a photo on the upper right corner of the front page in which the same shape object was shown in the distance over a house which had a chimney.
In or about 1990, I tried to locate a copy of this newspaper and was told by the newspaper to contact the Maryland Archives which I did. They responded to my inquiry that the photo to which I referred had been blacked out of the microfilm image with a notation of a security step, which was totally stupid to me.
The object was like the typical drawing of UFO's of a disk shape and was at an angle of about 30 off horizontal.
There were no observable lights and no sounds.
One of two interesting reports from the same source.
Posted 2005-12-16
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