NUFORC UFO Sighting 47533

Occurred: 2005-11-07 18:45 Local
Reported: 2005-11-07 19:11 Pacific
Duration: minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright Orange Stationary Lights

It was about a quarter till 7 in the evening and it was pretty much dark. I took my dog out to use the bathroom.

While waiting on him, a light caught my eye. My first thought was it was a Bright star we have seen in the sky for months now that twinkles. As I looked at it my thought changed. We live in a flight path of our air port and often on hazy nights when planes come in their lights look orange. Having a love for aviation I always watch planes flying by.

As I was watching the stationary bright orange light that appeared low in the horizon, suddenly a second light light up just adjacent to the first as it went out, then a third light further away light up and the second one went out. Each lasting about 2-3 seconds. All of the lights seemed to be in a horizontal plane.

As I could not believe what i just saw, I stood there watching the sky. About 3-4 minutes later watching the same area the sky lit upwith about 6-7 more of these bright orange lights all seemed to be in the same horizontal plane all lasting 2-3 seconds. None of the lights lit up at the same time but some were overlapping( one was going out as another was lighting up). after the last one went out I did not see any more.

As the last one went out my dog that was now inside started barking. I went inside and my wife had called me just as the last one went out and he was barking at the phone.

I dont know what I saw, I have never seen a UFO before but this was very weird. The area where they lit up was over wet land and a portion of state route 31 not where there are any people. The sky was not 100% dark and I could not make out any shape behind them and the lights did not move and they all looked alike and they made no sound and no low flying aircrafts around. there were planes at like the 30000 feet flying way above this area.

What ever it was I freaked me out a bit and made me wonder what I saw. I just thought I would share what i saw with everyone else in case anyone else saw it too.

Posted 2005-11-08

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