NUFORC UFO Sighting 47491
Occurred: 2005-11-05 03:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-06 08:59 Pacific
Duration: 0000
No of observers: 1
Location: Grand Blanc, MI, USA
well, i am going to report this case although i am not the eye witness but it is very interesting and maybe it is important to report.
On Friday fter nap time in my small Montessori school one of my students start working with a lesson as usually they do,. This little boy who is 4 years and a half look at me very serious and asked when his mommy will be back, it surprised me since he never wants to go back home after classes are over.
I asked why and he said:"aliens", and i asked "what?", he said aliens came to his bedroom last night and left something in his brain that something made him feel sick. He described the experience very well and all the time looked at me very serious and sure about it.
I asked what did they do, he told me tehy looked in his brain with a light bulb and left something that bounce in his brain and he was feeling sick. Several time he used the wods alien doctors, also he said they put a rope around his head,i interpretded this as taking meassurements.
This boy as long i know ,is product of artificial pregnancy his mother was unable to conceive so he ovul was implanted with another fertilized egg , her mitocondria was left as a frame for the egg implant and in a way to make her feeling that maybe that boy was her product.They were twins and one died in womb, the mother was a nasa scientist who doneted several times her eggs to other women,this is all i know.He acts different as other children his age a, not more mature in the cognitive asect, he lives a lot in fantasy world but thjis words sound very accurate to me.
Any questions or opinion about this case contact me at this e mail address: ((e-address deleted)) Thanks for your time, sincerely, ((name deleted))
Posted 2005-11-08
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