NUFORC UFO Sighting 47462

Occurred: 2005-10-31 11:29 Local
Reported: 2005-11-05 09:51 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Shalimar, FL, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

There were lights on the object, There were aircraft in the vicinity, or aircraft chasing the object .

the object was moving real fast like it was hitting light speed across over shalimar, close by the gardon apartmens. it kinda look almost like a shooting-star with a baby-blue color tail it sorta looked like a comets tail. the object was blue with a baby-blue tail. well anyways it shoot across the sky low, i should say about from 100-250 ft. in the sky. and the big thing about this sighting is when it streek in the sky acossed me "((name deleted)." and my friend ((name deleted)), the sky lite up blue with a baby-blue. the object was not flying down, or up, the object was flying stright across.

And after about 3 min. after the sighting, their was two c-130s cargo planes flying side by side apart from each other a few 100 feet away in like a formation and a chopper/halicoppter was flying in the middle. so i guess eglin air force base picked it up in radar, because the 2 c-130s cargo plane and chopper/ halicoppter kinda resonded pretty quick.

Posted 2005-11-08

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