NUFORC UFO Sighting 47446
Occurred: 2000-04-15 15:00 LocalReported: 2005-11-04 19:42 Pacific
Duration: 10 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Tokeland, WA, USA
Shape: Unknown
shimmering transparent object floting over the water by North River bridge in Washington St.
My wife and I were driving north on spur 105 in washington state and my wife the skeptic asked me if I saw what she saw. Looking straight down the road gave us a view of the North River bridge and the trees and hillside behind the bridge.
We saw a distortion of the complete area. It looked like heat waves that come off a hot sidewalk. The shape best described would be a haystack that was shifting shapes. Looking at the object you could see trhough it, but the trees behind it were distorted like looking into a wavy mirror. The object was floating over water and moving about 15 to 25 mph.
I pulled over in a spot that gave us an unobstructed view of the ufo. It was coming towords us as it would pass by us about 100 yards to the north. The ufo got abreast of our truck and then zip it was gone. No special effects just gone.
Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD
Posted 2005-11-08
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