NUFORC UFO Sighting 47086
Occurred: 2005-10-17 23:25 LocalReported: 2005-10-18 21:45 Pacific
Duration: 50 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Murfreesboro, TN, USA
Shape: Light
An optical illusion, not a UFO
My wife and I looked at Mars saw small red and white lights flashing on and off quickly. The lights were very close to Mars (within its "halo") and below Mars, from the 4:00 position to the 7:00 position.
I called our son, who lives 6 miles away, and he saw Mars but did not see the lights.
I suspect that the lights were some sort of an optical illusion.
The sky was clear, and the ground temperature was 54 degrees Farenheit. There was a full moon to the upper right of Mars, and the night sky was very bright.
We do not know what the witness was observing, but if they had been stars, the son also should have been able to see them from his vantage point. PD
Posted 2005-10-20
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