NUFORC UFO Sighting 45965

Occurred: 2005-08-29 18:00 Local
Reported: 2005-09-01 12:52 Pacific
Duration: 20 Min.
No of observers: 2

Location: St. Joseph, MN, USA

Shape: Light

The 3 objects appeared above the horizon at sunset One headed West and two headed North. Very bright!

It was 8:oo p.m., there are only two of us on the night shift and we take a break at this time. We were standing out in front of the building which faces west, the sun had gone down below the horizon. At this time we noticed a very bright light above the hill about two miles away, appx. altitude was 2000 ft.. My first thought was "Venus", but the object seemed to be moving away from us and to the North. My comment was "It must be the atmosphere making it seem to move". As we watched, another light appeared about 1000 ft. above the first. The second light started moving to the North as the first continued Northwest. The one moving North was slowly pulsating from very bright to the point that it was not visible. We watched both qbjects for about ten minutes until the one headed North finally dimmed and was gone. Suddenly another bright light appeared approximately where the second one had been sighted. By this time, the first object had continued Northwest until it was no longer visible. The third object followed the same path as the second Northbound object. It also slowly pulsated at the same rate and brightness. As it moved to the North it also dimmed from view.

Posted 2005-10-11

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