NUFORC UFO Sighting 44996

Occurred: 1996-07-01 19:30 Local
Reported: 2005-07-16 01:54 Pacific
Duration: 3-5

Location: Camp Hanson (Okinawa) (Japan), , Japan (Okinawa)

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

I saw a V-shaped aircraft flying very fast and making avery loud noise in Okinawa Japan in 96'

I don't remeber the exact day but it was in July in 1996 and me and a bunch of my friends where outside the barracks in Camp Hanson in Okinawa Japan and we looked to the Northwest and saw a V-shaped aircraft, or at least it looked like one because it had 5 yellow/whitish lights on it in a shape of a V. At least 7 of us saw it. it was probably within a mile of us at just a few hundred feet above the ground heading Northeast at a very fast pace, probably several hundred miles per hour, what I remeber most aside from the 5 lights on it was the loud rumbling sound it made. It was constant but incredibly loud for how far it was from us. We never saw a body shape of the craft, but the evening was pretty clear, but it seemed to have a mist around it almost like fog ( I do not think it was emitting this mist). At any rate it seemed to accelerate and then just disapear into the evening.

Posted 2005-09-02

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