NUFORC UFO Sighting 44533

Occurred: 2005-06-19 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-06-23 11:51 Pacific
Duration: 10 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Indiana (location unspecified), IN, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

I was asleep in my bed and woke up suddenly (I face the door to my room when I sleep)I saw the door was opened a little bit and knew something wasnt right becouse I sleep with the door shut. I was the only one home at the time too so I knew that som one had to have opened it. I lay there frozen, afraid to get up and see what was going on. then I looked over to my left and there were two beings standing at the side of my bed. I just couldnt belive it I thought I was dreaming or something. So they were kind of whiteish color and had a sort of a glow to them that was amazing.

Then I looked over at the door and there was one there too like gaurding it or something. Then the one closest to me reached out and touched my ribs on my left side. All of the while the other two were just sort of standing around watching.The one touching my ribs looked at me right in the eyes and he said not be afraid ,they did not come to harm me. I was so scared I couldnt even yell or talk. It was like I was in a sort coma where I was aware of everything around me but couldnt speak or move. This lasted for about two or three minutes and the next thing I knew I woke up on the other side of my room on the floor, naked. It was really weird too becouse my side was really cold where I was being touched.My door was closed like normal, I looked at my clock and it was 400 am. I couldnt swallow or anything becouse my mouth and throat were so dry and I was curled up in a little ball. The beings were like I said before, whiteish in color and had a sort of glow around them. They had big black eyes and really big heads with no ears. Also I was able to notice they had really long fingers. I dont know but it scared me so bad I am having trouble sleeping. I dont even sleep in my room I have been stayin with a friend and dont even really try to sleep becouse I am scared it will happen again.


Witness indicates that date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-07-05

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