NUFORC UFO Sighting 43488

Occurred: 2005-04-14 20:30 Local
Reported: 2005-04-15 11:16 Pacific
Duration: 1-2mins
No of observers: 1

Location: East Greenwich, RI, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangular ship, stationary, black body, white lights on the three corners and a blinking red/white strobe dead center.

I was driving south on route 4 in East Greenwich by the Quonset Point exit. I saw a Triangle craft (dark shape three lights on each corner (white) and a blinking strobe (redish /white) dead center. There will 2 state policeman pulled off to the other side of the road (rt 4 noth).

There was no construction and no accident. They were side by side with there windows down. I did not stop, but slowed to about 30mph and rolled my window down. There was no sound coming from the craft and it was surely not moving.

I am very familiar with this road and I know that there is no tower there. I continued driving and when I looked in my rear-view mirror there was nothing in the sky. I am positive that this was not a helicopter and if it was a plane it made no noise what so ever and was hovering. Can planes hover and not make noise? The estimated height of the craft from the ground was 1-2000 feet.

Posted 2005-04-16

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