NUFORC UFO Sighting 42517
Occurred: 2005-02-26 14:46 LocalReported: 2005-02-26 23:33 Pacific
Duration: 5 mins.
No of observers: 3
Location: Incline Village, NV, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Unknown light/disc over Incline Village, NV - Disc changed color from white to red/spinning rainbow color, then disappeared after 5 min
Looking East from near the corner of Divot and Country Club Dr., Incline Village, NV. An airplane was heard, I looked up and saw what looked to be a star or bright light (approx. like Venus) at 45 degrees high in the sky due East. The airplane passed, the "star" continued to shine and move approx. 15 degrees North in the sky from original sighting location. The "Star" changed colors to red and rainbow colors and appeared to spin. The color changed back to white and red/rainbow colors several times. At times, light appeared to change shape, like a disc moving about. After approx. 5 mins, the light disappeared behind a cloud. There was no contrail or smoke trail, as you would expect from a missile/aircraft test. Please let me know if there were any other reports or miliary tests in the area. Thanks, ((name deleted)) cell 775-((telephone number deleted)).
Posted 2005-04-16
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