NUFORC UFO Sighting 4239

Occurred: 1998-07-11 17:00 Local
Reported: 1998-07-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lincoln, MA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Sole witness to object. At Hanscom Field/Hanscom Air Force Base watching aircraft. I am a self taught expert on all types of aircraft (general, commercial and military). Heard jet engines overhead thinking it might be a military aircraft arriving at Hanscom. 737 at 6-7,000 feet on approach to Logan Airport in Boston. Looking up to identify aircraft I saw a sphere shaped object above the 737. The 737 traveled under it. The object was metallic as sunlight glimmered off it. Remained stationary for approximately 2 minutes then slowly moved from northwest to southeast and disappeared from my range of vision

I was at Hanscom Field/ Hanscom Air Force Base watching aircraft. I was alone thought a bicyclist and a woman with a two small children walked by just after witnessing the event. I heard a jet engine and thought an Air Force transport might be arriving at Hanscom. There are no military aircraft assigned to Hanscom A.F.B. but various aircraft do fly in and out in conjunction with the Electronic Systems Center at the base. It was only a 737 making a downleg approach to Logan Airport in Boston. As I looked up to identify the aircraft I saw a sphere shaped object above the 737. The object was stationary because the 737 passed under it. There were broken cumulus clouds at 3,000 to 5,000 feet. The object appeared metallic as it reflected sunlight. The bottom of the sphere appeared darker. It may have been the reflection of the moisture laden clouds. I thought I might have been a Mylar party balloon but the wind was approximately 8 to 10 knots from the Southwest and it would blown a 2 foot diameter balloon rather briskly. A Mylar balloon would also shimmer as it bounced along. This object retained a constant reflective shine from the sunlight. I watch it for approximately three minutes when it began to move without any contrail or sound from 300 degrees to 120 degrees. The object was at 80 declination and moved in a 5 degree arc from the Northwest to the Southeast. It disappeared from the range of the naked eye after witnessing it for 5 minutes

Posted 1998-11-21

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