NUFORC UFO Sighting 42368
Occurred: 1958-11-15 22:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-02-25 10:48 Pacific
Duration: ax. 10 min.
No of observers: 3
Location: Greenville, RI, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams
Five small disk or spherical-shaped objects merging with a large saucer-shaped object observed by three whitnesses in 1958.
In the fall of 1958 or 59, when I was in Junior High School, the following was observed by both of my parents and myself: We were living at 21 West Approach Terrace Drive, in Greenville, R.I. Our property was located on the North to North-west shore of Slacks Reservoir. It was the late fall of the year. The time was between 1030 and 1100 (EST). We saw a bright light through the southern facing windows of our living room. We went outside and observed an object in the sky that was either large enough or close enough to obscure approximately 60 to 70% of the sky to the South west. It was at an azmuth of about 70 degrees. The object was shaped like two dinner plates placed top to top; a narrow glowing yellow-green band was separating the two halves, and a red spot, about three times the width of the band was located on the same seam as the band. The object itself was a glowing silvery-white. It slowly rotated on the horizontal axis, until it was almost round in shape. At that time five smaller objects, appearing to be round or spherical, approached from what appeared to be radial directions, and merged with the larger object. At that time, the object continued to rotate on the same axis as before, a yellow-green light was emitted from the lower rimmed area of the double plate in a fan-like beam. In the space of less than ten seconds the object had vanished into the South-West in an increasing angle of azmuth. There was absolutely no sound at all during the entire episode.
That evening, several radio stations reported that the object had been picked up on the RADAR at the primary commercial airport. The next day, nothing was on the radio or television, or in the newspaper.
I drew a picture of the object and wrote a letter to the Astronomy department at Brown University. My parents and I all signed it.
About a week later we heard a droaning of engines in the sky to the South-West, a dark object was approaching over the water. When the object was very close, bilboard lights flashed the message across the blimp "Hello Down There." Just how gullable did they think we were!!! About two weeks after I had sent the letter we received a response. Supposedly we had seen the planet Jupiter and five of its moons with the unaided eye, taking up an area the size of a large serving platter, with the "moons" being about the size of a nickel each, in the wrong part of the sky, and at the wrong azmuth. Once again, just how dumb did they think we were!!! My I.Q. has been tested to between 160 and 180 on various tests. At the time of the incident I had already built an analog computer, radio equipment, and my own telescope. I was already interested in a number of scientific fields. I firmly believe that we wittnessed a UFO mother ship and five scouts, and that rediculous attempts at cover-up were made by or influenced by the government of the United States.
Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-04-16
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