NUFORC UFO Sighting 42257

Occurred: 1963-11-23 10:00 Local
Reported: 2005-02-24 20:32 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Thunder Bay (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Disk

This was not a UFO

It was the day after President Kennedy was assassinated and the school was closed in his honor . This sighting happened at the confluence of the Moose and Mattagimi rivers , 80 miles south of James Bay where 3 hydroelectric dams were being built . Myself and R.P. were sitting on his back steps facing west at 10:00 a.m. and the sky was clear and it was cold .

Behind R.P.s place was a single lane road , then a ditch , a two lane road , another ditch and then 100 feet to the treeline . 75 yards in total and i looked up to see a saucer sitting over the trees and pointed it out to R.P. The saucer tilted up on it's side as if to get a better look at us . It was approximately 30 yards in diameter and 5 yard in thickness . Although saucer shaped the edges were not sharp as it appeared to have square windows around it's circumfrence . We watched for about 1 minute and then it drifted west and out of sight . There was no sound .

The dimmension of the saucer should be very accurate as i know the exact distance to the first grove of trees and it was sitting just above them . Myself and R.P. did not see a UFO , we saw a flying saucer from very close range . It appeared to be constructed of dull aluminum . It was as clear as if someone parked a school bus 75 yards away and asked for a description .

Posted 2005-04-16

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