NUFORC UFO Sighting 4194
Occurred: 1998-02-07 22:23 LocalReported: 1998-07-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1/2 minute
No of observers: 4
Location: Paraparaumu (Kapiti Island) (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Changed Colo
4 cylinder shaped green and pinkish flashing objects appeard from behind Kapiti Island, seemed to stay static for a short while before disappearing behind the Island again.
We were four people having a meeting at my beach front property at Paraparaumu Beach. When we went outside on the balcony to have a smoke, we noticed a beam of light behind Kapiti Island. This is not necessarily unusual as sometimes Sea and Rescue Searches with Helicopters produce similar visual effects. However, standing there arguing why S&R was called out again, we noticed that the colour of the light changed from the usual bright white to an alteration at low frequency of a dull, surealistic green and pink. Slowly, the source of the greenish light appeared to rise from behind Kapiti Island. At this stage, we could not make out the body of the object emitting the light nor could we hear any sounds. The objects movement appeared to be relatively slow. When the light changed to pink, we briefly noticed that the source of the pink light was positioned behind the source of the green light making a huge squshed cylindrical object in front of it visible for a couple of seconds. Unfortunately, the pink beam of light and the object in front of it synchroneously set slowly behind Kapiti Island. The whole spectacle appeared to last a long time, but judging by the length of the cigarettes we smoked, it would have had been lasting for less than one minute.
Posted 1999-01-28
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