NUFORC UFO Sighting 41922

Occurred: 1997-04-30 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-13 02:40 Pacific
Duration: 3-6 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Twelve Mile, IN, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

The kids & I saw several bright white lights in a row hovering over the tree tops that were along the edge of a field.

This happened a few years ago, and I'm not sure if it was 96, 97, or 98 actually. I wish I had reported it though and always wondered if anyone else had seen it.

It happened after the kids and I were leaving a 4-H meeting in Twelve Mile. I was traveling South on the country road out of the small town. About a mile out of town I saw several bright white lights in a row (approx. 12-16) hovering over the tree tops that were along the edge of a field.

I stopped the minivan and asked the kids "What IS that?" We all sat and looked at it, trying to make out what the string of lights were connected to. The lights were all even to each other and didn't bounce, flash, flicker, drop or rise in the air. Judging from the height and width of the tree line and field, this object was at least as long as a football field, if not bigger.

I turned my van off and opened my window all the way. There was no audible sound coming from it. I knew it couldn't have been any type of known aircraft because it was much too large.

As we watched these lights it seemed that the object they were on must have been a disk shape because the lights all began moving slowly and steadily off to the right. As they moved off to the right, each light to the far right would disappear one by one. It was as if the object was disk shaped and was only lighted on one side and as it turned the lights disappeared out of our view, blocked by the solid object itself.

I have seen a video taped sighting of something that looked very similar to what I saw. I think I've seen the video tape on Unsolved Mysteries and a documentary on the Discovery Channel.

I really want to know what this is. I've never seen anything like it and my kids remember it vividly too.


Date is approximate. We will invite the witness to attempt to determine the precise date. PD

Posted 2005-02-22

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