NUFORC UFO Sighting 41457

Occurred: 2005-01-08 00:15 Local
Reported: 2005-01-10 22:57 Pacific
Duration: 0:10
No of observers: 2

Location: Cumberland, RI, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangular craft hovered for awhile, then shot off northward

A friend and I were on our way home from the movies. We took the back roads home, which took us through the northern part of Cumberland, RI. My friend happened to look up inthe sky and noticed a strange shaped aircraft in the sky. I looked up, and saw it was triangular in shape, with bright white lights at each of the three corners. There was also a slightly larger white light directly in the center. It really caught out attention not because of its shape, but because it wasn't moving... it seemed to just hover in place for awhile. After watching it (and the road), it picked up a tremendous amount of speed in a relatively short amount of time - heading northward.

There was only the one craft that we saw, and it didn't change shape, or release anything... nor did we experience any strange electrical or magnetic effects while driving. The whole experience was just really strange.

Posted 2005-01-11

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