NUFORC UFO Sighting 41100

Occurred: 2004-12-13 20:35 Local
Reported: 2004-12-13 18:47 Pacific
Duration: less than a second
No of observers: 1

Location: Exeter, RI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

unusual light in sky

I was driving north on Rte. 2, right near the Exeter/North Kingstown town line. I went around a curve near Exeter Road and the RI veterans cemetery, when all of a sudden something in the sky caught my eye. It kind of looked like a star, but the partly cloudy skies made seeing stars very difficult. bright white or blue light. it moved west, curving a little bit before disappearing behind a cloud. the way it moved reminded me of a kid playing with a laser pointer on a wall...kind of an S-shaped curve. it was fast...but I've seen meteor showers before and it definitely wasn't as fast as a meteor. It definitely wasn't an was moving too fast and its turns were much too quick.

Posted 2004-12-14

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