NUFORC UFO Sighting 38944

Occurred: 2004-08-27 14:00 Local
Reported: 2004-08-28 14:56 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Paterson (south of Paterson Exit on I-5), CA, USA

Shape: Disk

UFO at same area seen twice in 4 hours

The odd thing is about my sighting is I saw it going so on I-5 and also in the same area 4 hours later driving north on I-5 in almost the same spot...First I see sun reflection like on an aircraft banking but as I look harder I disappeared. So what ever It was it seemed to be moving to reposition itself to be camouflaged against the sky...But unlike others which I have noticed over airports at times this object was in the same area moving again to "reposition" itself with a flash or glint of sun reflecting off a silver metal disc before totally disappearing. I slow down and check to hear engines or see if it is a small plane. There was no noise from engines etc...

The second time I saw it over a powerline grid and the ranch house off the interstate and it was hard to determine how high it was but I suspect 500-100ft up...

Posted 2004-09-01

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