NUFORC UFO Sighting 38902
Occurred: 2004-08-20 15:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-08-26 12:09 Pacific
Duration: 5 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Pelican Lake, WI, USA
Shape: Circle
it was stationary object very high in the afternoon clear sky, which was visible until dark and gone the next day
while fishing on pelican lake on either 20 or 21 aug 2004, i looked up at the moon which was visible in the clear afternoon sky and noticed what appeared to be a white object at about 4 0'clock in realation to the moon. i asked my father if he could see it and he could. we pondered what it could be also noticing that it wasn't moving. as the moon moved across the sky, this object stayed in the same area through the afternoon. when we got back to the cabin i got some binocs and looked. the object seemed to have a silver or somewhat reflective surface, but was hard to distinguish with only 8x magnification. the only things i'm sure of is that the object was very high in the atmosphere, and was not a plane. any enlightenment on this sighting would be appreciated.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-09-01
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