NUFORC UFO Sighting 38245
Occurred: 2004-07-21 23:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-07-21 15:05 Pacific
Duration: 44:32 Minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: New Zealand, , New Zealand
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Electrical or magnetic effects
egg shaped crafts with projectiles and beams
One Afternoon I was looking out and I saw a disc shaped craft and I had my camera next to me , then that night We were looking through telescopes and we saw a bright cream light and then we looked out and saw hovering Disc shaped craft with rock projectiles on the outside and then we saw it a Neon blue beam into our paddock then we ran out into the paddock and then the rocks started falling then we ran back to the house and then there was a big flash then thats all I remember about that night but the next morning i went out to check up on the calfs and there were slaughtered heffers scattered on the ground like flys. the craft made a sound like a chainsaw cutting through a log. and it gave a magnetic effect on all metals in a 100m vacinity included our barbed wire fence
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-07-25
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