NUFORC UFO Sighting 36693

Occurred: 2004-04-30 16:45 Local
Reported: 2004-05-03 08:26 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Shape: Cylinder

Three Bronze cylinders

I am a Transit driver and was heading south out of the tunnel passing Royal Brougham. Approaching Holgate street I spotted 3 brown cylinder shapes hovering over 4th avenue 800-900 feet in the air. They were bronze and I could see the sun reflecting off the metal. I took off my sun glasses for a better look and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I exclaimed to my passengers, "Can you see that?" No one heard me. There was one large one and two smaller ones trailing beside it and behind. The large one was rounded in front much like an overturned canoe would look. There were deep lines carved in it forming a design. It appeared to be made of a rich bronze like metal highlighted by the sun. I looked well ahead to see if they were being towed by an aircraft. There was nothing, they just hovered and appeared to be moving very slowly like a blimp. I kept driving and then came up on the side of a building which blocked my view. As I cleared the building and got a clear shot of where they had been, they had disappeared. It was really strange.

The following day I drove back to the area I had seen them in. There wasn't anything there which would account for what I saw. The area they had been in were between Holgate and Lander street moving very slowly, west, over 4th avenue.

Posted 2004-05-04

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