NUFORC UFO Sighting 36126
Occurred: 1993-02-04 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-04-10 02:20 Pacific
Duration: 30-45 min
No of observers: 6
Location: Palestine, TX, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
Craft about the size of a 747 with five white lights, as if the craft was pentagon-shaped, that moved very slowly and made no noise.
Worked for State Prison in guard tower-60' off the ground. There are 6 manned towers. The 6 officers, including myself, passed the time by talking via 49mhz radio. Toward the east, someone's attention was caught by a very bright light a few feet above the horizon. It looked like landing lights on the front of a 747 heading toward us. A few remarks were made and subject was changed. Apx 15mins later one of the guys mentioned that the lights were still there but were closer. We commented on how it should have been way gone by now (since we believed it to be a commercial jet.) We watched it for another 15 mins and could see that it was moving very slowly, like a helo. The night sky was crystal clear and moon-less. No city lights or anything to dim the view at the sky. The craft got close enough that we could see 5 lights, each one as if on the corner of a pentagon. The craft came directly overhead, no sound at all. We thought it possible to be 5 helos in formation, but found it wierd that we did not hear them. When it passed over, we saw it to be one craft. We could not see anything between the lights and did not realize it was a single craft until it blocked the view of stars as it passed over. We could not tell how high it was but agreed that it was as large as a jumbo jet and flying at an altitude that private planes usually fly. We watched for another 20-30 mins until it was out of view. The the lights on the rear of the craft looked exactly like the front. Bright white lights. No flashing lights. No exhaust. No sound. We had quite a topic for discussion for a while after that.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-04-27
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