NUFORC UFO Sighting 35411

Occurred: 2004-03-04 20:20 Local
Reported: 2004-03-04 23:50 Pacific
Duration: 2+ minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Las Animas, CO, USA

Shape: Oval

3/4/04 8:20pm A large oval white light with a very load roar over Las Animas, Colorado

At approx. 8:20 pm, March 3, 2004 Las Animas, Colorado - Southeastern Colorado I heard a very load roar while watching T.V. in my front room. I went out side to hear what appeared to be a B1-B bomber at an altitude of 500 feet off the ground. At this time the sound was extremly loud and much louder than a B1 (Las Animas is located in an MOA - Military Operations Area where B1s, fighter jets, B-52, F-117s train). I expected to see some type of airplane lights and strobes (B1 strobes are usually a brilliant very fast strobe), all I did see was a large oval white light, no stobes moving to the North. It appeared to be at a height of a commerical jet, 20,000 plus feet. After watching the light move off to the North, I went inside and called the Pueblo (80 miles west of Las Animas) Airport tower. They said that my area was out of their radar range and I needed to call Denver Central. I did call Denver and related to them the light/craft and sound. The gentleman I spoke to said he would check and see if there was any military traffic or any aircraft in my area at that time. After several minutes he came back on the phone and told me that it was not a B1 bomber or any military plane or commerical jet, but he did say that it was a classified aircraft on a classified mission and that is all he could say about the event! I have watched a lot of aircraft over the years in this area and seen some strange aircraft, but this one event was very unusual!

Posted 2004-03-09

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