NUFORC UFO Sighting 35400
Occurred: 2004-03-04 06:45 LocalReported: 2004-03-04 07:52 Pacific
No of observers: 2
Location: Aurora, CO, USA
Shape: Other
While driving to work me and my friends daughter saw a very black egg shaped object in the sky that came closer very quickly
I was leaving for work and had my friends daughter in the car (she's 9 years old). We both saw an object in the sky that seemed small like a balloon far off in the distance. It seemed black and moved closer very quickly. It became obvious that it was an oval shape. I cannot even describe how black it was-it was like a black I've never seen-there was no reflection in it at all-it almost like it was a oval shaped hole in the sky. As it moved it would tilt to the side and as the sun shined on it I saw sort of a brownish metallic color on the side and seemed to change to more of a pill shape in that it wasn't completely a 3d oval. It was like a flat oval. I drove away because my friends daughter was scared so I don't know how long it stayed there. It just had a floating affect and went off to the east.
Posted 2004-03-09
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