NUFORC UFO Sighting 3525

Occurred: 1998-04-29 06:25 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-05-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Simpsonville, SC, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

While driving to work, I noticed a light just below high overcast. The object appeared to be traveling east to west.

I was traveling roughly southwest in my car on highway 146 at 45 mph. It first entered my field of view from the left side, or from the east. The object appeared round in shape and was glowing brightly, it was whiteish in color. The object was traveling at a high rate of speed and seemed to stay just barely below the high overcast until it left my field of view moving westerly. The object never changed direction nor did it change speed. I work in the tire industry as a mechcanical/electrical troubleshooter. I have done this for 12 years. Prior to that I was a machinist for 5 years.

Posted 1999-01-28

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