NUFORC UFO Sighting 34049

Occurred: 2003-12-20 20:00 Local
Reported: 2003-12-21 19:34 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 3

Location: Chesterfield, VA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

strange blinking light(s)

The first day I saw them was december the 20th I was sitting in my computer room then my mom told me to come here. She pointed to a blinking light in the sky so at first I thought it was just some kind of star, Then it moved. So my mom ,my brother ,and I went into the field behind my house and looked at it through binoculars and saw that it consisted of three colors red,blue, and white, and was a bit larger than the other stars. Then The next day we went to look to see if it was there. What we saw was strange. Not one large light, but three different lights split apart from each other one red, one blue, and one white. Just to note they formed a triangle.


Description is not inconsistent with a "sighting" of a "twinkling" star, we believe. PD

Posted 2004-01-17

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