NUFORC UFO Sighting 3391
Occurred: 1998-03-24 22:00 LocalReported: 1998-03-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Fort Pierce/Orlando (between), FL, USA
Shape: Fireball
We watched for 45 minutes 2 lights, then 1 light in the sky. It looked like a orange fireball and stayed with us as we drove north bound on the FL turnpike. It disappeared suddenly.
My husband and brother in law were talking in the front seat of our van while I sat in the back trying to figure out what these 2 lights were that remained at the same size and distance to the NE of the van. We were traveling N on the Turnpike and we were N of Fort Pierce at approx 10 PM Tuesday March 24th. The lights were the color of flame, very bright and appearing to be high enough up to stay in a fixed position as we headed north. We lost them, maybe in trees, then they appeared again to the NW of our position. We lost them again, then one reappeared. It was very clear, no trees, no hills, no clouds, just stars and this bright flame colored light. We watched these lights for about 45 minutes which would have been quite a distance at the high rate of speed we were traveling. While all 3 of us were staring at the light trying to figure out what it was is just disappeared and there was nothing to see but a large number of stars in the bright sky. We all agreed that is was unlike any thing we had seen before. Observers are (2) college graduates (Accounting), 44 year old female and 33 year old male self employed in the computer industry and a 26 year old male employed at a grocery chain distribution center.
Posted 2002-03-19
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