NUFORC UFO Sighting 33815
Occurred: 2003-12-13 15:00 LocalReported: 2003-12-15 11:14 Pacific
No of observers: 3
Location: Pascagoula, MS, USA
Shape: Other
In November my friend and I were driving back from New Orleans when we saw 1 maybe 2 crafts. I reported it to you a few days after that happened. I beleive the craft or crafts left some evidence on the winshield of my Jeep. we were driving and it was wet and cold and I noticed something on the window. At first I thought it was fingerprints or something but then I looked again and saw that it was a definate symetrical pattern and a perfect circle. I asked My friend If he had put anything on the window. he said no. then he said there was one on the passenger side also. I pulled over and we examined the window. the picture on the window matched our drawings of what we saw that night. the strange thing is that it will not come off the window. we rubbed really hard but it would not change or come off. I am hoping that there is a logical explanation for this. I thought at first maybe THAT (the marks on the window) was what we saw that night, but I saw it out of the side window as well and there are no marks on the side window. My friend is convinced there is writing or symbols by the circle marks. I could not be sure of that but there are definately 2 things on the front window of my Jeep that won't go away.
Posted 2003-12-19
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