NUFORC UFO Sighting 33703
Occurred: 2003-12-03 20:00 LocalReported: 2003-12-09 18:30 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Hagerstown (south of, on I-81), MD, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
I-81 south of Hagerstown MD, we saw what appeared to be a large, triangular object hovering just above the trees.
My husband, 2 children and I were travelling down I-81 heading for a hotel in Winchester, VA. I was driving and somewhere south of Hagerstown I noticed a formation of lights in a triangular shape hovering above the trees and buildings off to my left. I tried to get my husband to look at the object(s) to see if he could determine what it was, but he said it was probably just a plane or helicopter. I could not constantly look at the object as I was driving. It then "floated" slowly over the road in front of us and off to the right of I-81S. At this point in time I could vaguely make out a dark triangular shape of the craft as the area below it was very well lit and the craft was very low. There were no strobe lights or blinking lights on the craft, only white lights that outlined what I assume to be the underside of the craft. After passing to the right of the road for a few seconds, it crossed over I-81 once again at a very low altitude, then I lost sight of it as I continued down the road. I know it was not a conventional airplane, as it hovered and was moving too slowly. I thought it may be some kind of experimental military craft, but why would they be flying it so low (what seemed to be only a couple hundred feet above the ground) and in such a busy, populated area? I would love to know if anyone else had witnessed this craft, or if anyone knows what it may have been.
Posted 2003-12-19
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