NUFORC UFO Sighting 3344

Occurred: 1998-03-12 08:34 Local
Reported: 1998-03-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 to 5 sec
No of observers: 4

Location: Greenland, NH, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

I saw a glowing green sphere cross the sky horizontally east to west

I had just re-entered I-95 southbound from exit 3 near Greenland, New Hampshire, when I saw a green glowing sphere cross horizontally from east to west. I first saw the object in my drivers side mirror and then in my passengers side. The object appeared to be about the size of a baseball. I was driving a tractor trailer and immediatly turned on my cb radio and I was shocked to hear at least four other truck drivers had witnessed the same event, a green glowing sphere. I had also seen a strange looking airplane about twenty to thirty minutes prior to seeing the green sphere. The craft resembled a plane in nature but had strange x like wing pattern. I saw this x wing like plane first and dissmissed it as blurred vision from being on the road too long. The x wing type plane was seen through my front window while exiting I-95 at exit 3 to go the truck stop. I saw the green sphere getting back on the same exit, and thats when I began to question the first x wing like plane. I am not sure about the first plane like craft because it caught me off guard and happened quickly. The x wing craft appeared low to the ground and looked as though it could have been making a landing approach, again another reason why I had brushed this incident off at first. I did not have the cb on when I saw the first object, so I am not sure if it was seen by anybody else, or if my eyes were playing tricks on me. The green glowing sphere, however I am sure about and had confirmed by speaking with other drivers who had also seen it.

Posted 2002-03-19

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