NUFORC UFO Sighting 33164

Occurred: 1998-06-09 00:00 Local
Reported: 2003-11-16 18:22 Pacific
Duration: 10:00minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: San Bernardino, CA, USA

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Changed Colo

A 3 dimentional diamond spacecraft that just spinned arround it stayed in the same place for at least ten minutes,It spit out 4 colors

It was me and my friend I am a Secretary, and he is a cook. We are normal people, and we never believed in ufo's before. It was a little past midnight when we were sitting on our porche and we seen a bright light flashing so we looked up at the sky to see what was happening, and we seen a 3dementional diamond shaped craft it was turning round and round and shooting off diffrent colors, blue,purple red and orange, it was weird because we didn't see it appear and it stayed above us for at least ten minutes just spinning arround we just stared at it,we didnt even see it leave it was there than it was gone. I will never forget that momment it didnt even look like a craft really, besides the fact that it was spinning. I was 17yr.s old at the time he was 25yrs old at the time, we never thought we would ever encounter something like this before, we have never done drugs before, we both go to church and have a relationship with god, I work as a secretary for a big company and have never told anyone this before because I knew people would laugh, but I can tell you I wasn't laughing when I seen it I was scared because what if the ufo came down and captured us,I mean it stayed put it didnt seem like it was going any where it was like they were studing us or something,waiting for the right time to land,we were nervous to tell people as if they would know we did and come back to finish what ever it came here for,or maybe it just wanted to see our planet but how would we really know why so we kept it secret till now,so now you know and I will leave it at that.

Posted 2003-11-26

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