NUFORC UFO Sighting 3285
Occurred: 1998-03-07 18:50 LocalReported: 1998-03-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 10
Location: Sarasota, FL, USA
Shape: Cone
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Object observed coming from SE at twilight, sky very clear and not yet dark. Object was white with small white core moving towards us (direction NW) and a cone shaped haze behind it. It moved steadily towards NW then suddenly seemed to disolve.
There were about 10 people around me at the time - in Island Park in Sarasota on the bayfront, a popular place for taking walks. The sky was perfectly clear and calm, the sun had set in the west and it was dusk but not dark in the east. We all saw the object coming towards us -- others saw 2 objects, I just saw the one. I realized it was not a plane. The only other possiblity was a launch from Cape Canaveral which we can see from our coast when it is clear. Except, CC is further north and object launched from it leave a clear vertical vapor trail. This object was very white with a cone-shaped white haze behind it - could have been moving quickly, it was hard to say. I observed it for about 20-30 seconds then it suddenly seemed to disolve and disappear. The front (core) part of the object was very solid, very real, it was not a trick of light or anything else we could figure out. Afterwards I discussed it with a few others who had seen it -- no one had any idea what it could be.
NUFORC: Consistent with missile launch.
Posted 1999-01-28
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