NUFORC UFO Sighting 31386

Occurred: 2003-09-10 21:50 Local
Reported: 2003-09-11 08:40 Pacific
Duration: 4 to 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Calgary (Canada), AB, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three bright lights moving in a triangle formation in a low altitude

The sighting happened when I was walking home from a bus stop last night. It was a quiet street. Something caught my eyes in the sky above me. When I glanced up, I saw 3 bright lights (I thought they're stars at first) in a triangle formation moving at a fairly low altitude. By low altitude I mean an altitude where helicopter might fly at (not plane). My second immediate thought was they could be Canadian geese simply because of the triangle formation and the low altitude they're flying at. Only when I begun to notice the speed that thing was flying at and when I starting to make out the underlying shape of the object, I dismissed the geese theory and I was certain it was somekind of aircraft. Since it was moving at a very quiet demeanour, I basically ruled out helicopter. In addition, I just want to mention that those 3 bright lights weren't blinking at all. Hence, it couldn't be a commercial plane in my opinion. Now, I don't necessary believe that this object is from out of space. It could be some military spy craft from US for all I know (I don't think Canada can afford something like that). But it sure gave me an interesting experience. One last note, the object was flying towards the North-West direction before I lost sight on it.

Posted 2003-09-12

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