NUFORC UFO Sighting 31070

Occurred: 1996-07-03 05:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-08-31 18:08 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Union City, PA, USA

Shape: Other

we ar more primitive than we think!

It was aprox. 5 am. We had come in from fishing like we do almost every night while on vacation at canadotha lake. We have seen the small disk shaped ones here often, for years. These ones never seemed like such a big deal, they fly 10-15 times faster than an air plane and 5-7 times faster than a jet, they stop on a dime, turn while moving in any direction. We were use to these they almost call you in your brain when there around to get you to look up to see them. [sounds a little crazy,I know],but this is the true. But on this night,I ended up feeling as though the human race is very primitive as far as tecnolegy is concerned.I have waited this long [7 yrs.]why I dont know ,to report this I guess I feel it doesent matter one way or another if you report or not.Well! We went and sat by bon fire, the fire had gone down there was not very much flame left just a lot of rea coal.It was a little chilly so I put the front legs of my chair on the big rocks so my legs would hang over the coals, we were talking low but not real low he was telling me some secrets about my daughter and I was asking questions.out of the conor of my eye about a mile to a mile and a half across the lake and up the hill I noticed a green flash so I turned my head to look at what caught my eye by then it flashed on again and again each time it had come a quater mile closer on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds about 6 times in all. by this time it was about 50 yards away, and only 50 feet above the ground. I said some what loudly to my friend [what the fuck is that?]It was a very long,rectangular shaped about the lenth of a foot ball field and about quater in width the front of it was longer on the bottom than on top [about a yard or so],like a sameri sward or something.[now this is the part that concerned me]! When I said what I said to my friend, the object reacted! the front10 or 15 yards of it turned like a check mark [right and down] and looked at me!.then as the part that looked at me started to grow comming towa! rds me,as the front was getting longer the back was getting shorter at the exact point that the first part turned.staying lit now the whole time.When the front of it got right above us, a small ball of light formed,the whole object went in, as it was going in, the ball was growing bigger and bigger, until the ball was all there was [as big as a sports arena].at first I was in amaizment! then at some point I felt as if danger should be setting in and starting thinking maybe I might want to get the hell out of here!Then I realized that my feet are hanging about 2 feet above the ground,knew that I was not going to get out of this chair super fast to run in to my cottage Imoved my feet around tring to get an angle to get up and run,Ifelt as if I had to do this fast but new it wae going to be a blunder and also my friend being left there also entered my mind.but to bad I was going to go for it anyway.Just as I got an angle with my feet that I felt I had a shot.I cant explain it but I felt something say [not with my ears,I know this might sound stupid but kind of in my brain] we cant take them with out taking the fire to.[not in words but in meaning] so just for a second or two I hesatated and believe it or not it started going upward slow at first then faster,itwas out of vision in about 7 to 10 seconds.I use to feel privilged when we along with family and friends would see the small ones,but after this Ifeel kind of a lower form of spicies like we are so far behind,millions of years behind!it is some what a little depressing, one that I only at that time only 37-38 years old will never get to expereance in my life the expereances that they get to!


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-09-04

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